
Important Notice: Please be advised that member information is currently not displaying on invoices. Our team is actively working to resolve this issue as soon as possible. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this temporary disruption.

Monthly Invoices:

The Pension Boards-United Church of Christ, Inc. (PBUCC) offers online payment for monthly invoices for employers participating in our annuity and benefit programs. This option allows more timely and accurate invoicing, gives you more control in managing your employee's benefits, and greatly enhances our “Go-Green” efforts by reducing paper consumption. Online payment provides you with two options to pay your monthly invoice: e-check or credit card. Payment options are detailed on this website, along with the steps needed to utilize the new online service offerings. Using the portal will allow PBUCC to reduce paper and processing time and provide you with new capabilities as we continue to enhance this service.

If you encounter any errors when submitting your online payment, please contact our Customer Care Team at 800-642-6543 for assistance. Employers that need to make additional/catch-up employer contributions to a member’s lifetime retirement account that are not reflected on the monthly invoice, may send a check, along with detailed instructions, to Pension Boards-UCC, 75 Remittance Drive, Suite 1592, Chicago, IL 60675-1592.